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The Story of Sunny Hill

Sunny Hill opened April 2020 as a neighborhood take-out spot. In May 2021, indoor dining and patios were added to usher in a bonkers summer of Sunny, feeding Golden Garden's crowds and square pizza fanatics, alike.


The space that once housed Seattle's Gob Shoppe, then Cocina Esperanza had a short life as a lunch time grab n' go spot, before the pizza ovens were installed for Sunny Hill in January 2020, and meatballs and burgers became neighborhood staples.


Staying in line with chef/owner Jason Stoneburner's style of cooking, loads of veggie dishes lead the menu, top pizza, and pickles are made in house for perfection. The menu isn't pretentious, nor is the space. Like a cherry on a sundae, the Sunny staff makes the third space sing.


Sunny Hill serves as a friendly, neighborhood spot that is easy for take-out, dinner with friend and family, or a patio drink in the sun (friendly dogs always welcome).

BIG thanks goes to the neighborhood support. Today, Sunny is alive & kicking because of our community. Thank you for supporting Sunny Hill.


Who is Sunny Hill?

Sunny Hill is owned by longtime Seattle restaurant industry friends and business partners, Jason Stoneburner and Holly Robinson. The Sunny Hill team is made up of long-time industry bartenders, along with fresh AND seasoned cooks and bakers. Our support team typically comes through the community in which Sunny lives, so you will regularly see local high school kids and neighbors working the floor. 


We are beyond grateful for our Sunny Hill team. Be sure to tell them thank you when you come by. 

We are also pretty active on the 'ole Gram. We love when guests share their Sunny pics & tag @sunnyhillseattle xo

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